Sunday, February 2, 2014

Police officer delves baby in gas station parking lot

by Thomas Curwen,0,648855.story#axzz2sCL7JHnm
Februrary 2, 2014

As pregnant mother and son were driving along the 118 freeway, the contractions kicked in and the mother knew she was due. They pull over and the son calls 911; the mother still struggling. Anna May, a dispatcher for the Simi Valley Police Department, answered the call. May contacted the paramedics and the senior police officer, Kyle Crocker, was the first to show. A less action-packed day, to say the least, for Crocker as he was coincidentally paired with an Explorer Scout as a ride along. As he pulled up the scene, he saw that the three kids and their grandmother were at the scene - whether they were in the car with them is unclear. Crocker then commanded his Explorer Scout ride along to move the family members away from the scene as it seemed he was ready to take matters into his own hands. Initially, he attempted the soothe and calm down the aching mother by informing her that the fire department and the paramedics should arrive shortly. Short after, the mother was ready to give birth and the policeman - still unaccompanied by paramedics or the fire department - was determined to deliver the baby. The delivery was successful and as people might not appreciate policemen, they can truly be heroes.

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