Sunday, February 9, 2014

Novel = Movie

The often unfair knack on a director's prowess is their "lack of attention to the details" in a novel. Novels are usually preferred over the big screen because most people do not see the same artistic vision whilst reading the illustrious details presented in the book as compared to the director's conception. As the cast goes, the actors were selected by relevance to description and familiarity to the people; the recipe of success. The movie was sound and the masterful minds behind the scenes did an excellent job paying attention to all the small details. As the movie left most speechless, my number one complaint was the over-exaggeration in not only the actors but the production. Something as minuscule as lighting a cigarette took approximately twenty seconds with extensive eye contact. It is understandable that the setting and the situation called for every small aspect to be blown up out of proportion, but it felt as if the director and the producers took every chance they could at elongating the movie with hapless, emotional melodrama. All in all, director Baz Luhrmann presented a fantastic film truly depicting Gatsby's welt extravaganza, open heart, and shady past. A wonderful film, great compliment to F. Scott Fitzgerald's classic novel.


  1. Nareg Mardig Bouldoukian the Third I believe this is the best blog post I have ever read. Not one aspect of this blog can have a negative attribution. The proper grammar used is important. More important than the how is the "what." The quality of this post sheds light into the point not many people seem to understand: the Great Gatsby is an embarrassment to American Literature and now film.

  2. Nareg has many well stated and explained points in this blog. I do agree with Nareg that many points in the movie seemed to be much too dramatic and flashy, attempting to add to the tension and atmosphere of the film. It seems obvious that the film was produced wonderfully, as we see every bit of it in the final product. Great blog Nareg.

  3. I completely agree with Nareg's statement about the director attempting to imitate the novel as detailed as possible, despite overdoing it at times. The main scene that was bothersome to me was the funeral scene as it was not detailed enough and one of the key moments in the Great Gatsby. Overall, outstanding explanation of the movie-novel comparison.
