Monday, February 17, 2014

There Isn't Much Loud Noise Where You're Headed,0,5446202.story#axzz2tbpOT4lM
by Michael Muskal
February 15, 2014

A couple weeks back, the proud citizens of the United States celebrated the day dedicated to the monumentally influential civil rights activist Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. What Dr. King fought for equality amongst all; an issue the United States has faced ever since the dawn of slavery. On Nov. 23, 2012, yet another racial injustice occurred as middle-aged white man Michael Dunn fired straight into a SUV full of black teenagers due to a dispute over loud music. The shots fired into the SUV killed Jordan Davis, a 17-year-old. It truly comes as a surprise as to how quickly it becomes "right" to pull that trigger when it comes to these racial issues. If Dunn were angered at a white 17-year-old, the mere thought of taking his life would have never even crossed his mind. There have been far too many incidents where the innocent lives of these young men have been taken over situations which could have ben handled much less violently. These young adults have parents, siblings, friends, and lovers who care for them deeply. Dunn was convicted on four of the five charges, but not on the most crucial one: first-degree murder. It does not take a Sherlock Holmes-esque detective to figure out this was indeed a first-degree murder. The recognition of these racial injustices has to be practiced in the court of law for the proper punishment of these criminals.

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