Monday, February 17, 2014


Each individual is the heartbeat of the community. Individuals provide life for a community and a community is completely and wholly dependent on its people. The people of the community defy the community. For example, a neighborhood is a community defined by where people live. Schools - like Pilibos - are identified, represented, and personified by their students and staff. An individual has to account for all their actions because a single action taken by an individual could exemplify the whole community. Hypothetically speaking, if Nareg belonged to the Armenian, Pilibos, and Glendale communities and he was recently imprisoned for 3rd degree murder and drug possession, he would not only shame one of the communities, but all. He will be characterized as an Armenian, therefore making Armenians seem like horrific people. He will be identified as a Pilibos student, making it impossible for people to view Pilibos the same way. Glendale will also be hurt as it will be known to sprout a mass-murderer. Now, if Nareg were to win the Pulitzer prize or the Medal of Honor, the same sort of ripple effect would take place. Each individual contributes to their community more than they could imagine, it is up to the people to make sure every tree they plant will bear fruit for the community.

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