Sunday, January 12, 2014

CES 2014: Formula E fully electric car powers up in Vegas

Jessica Naziri
January 10, 2014,0,1500014.story#axzz2qDR5Mc8q

Who would have thought that one grand topic could unite "tree huggers, tech nerds, and fast-car aficionados" during the annual gathering of technology freaks and the brains of the future? Racing events, especially the Formula 1 race, are truly sensational venues. The engine roaring loud enough eardrums are popping, enjoyable finger foods, and a chance to make it big - or lose big - with competitive betting. The thrill of these special vehicles traveling an upwards of 100 miles per hour brings in the most attention as the winner of these races are honored. The Spark-Renault SRT 01E Formula E race car is the first Formula 1 race car to be fully electric. "The car burned some serious rubber with not a trace of exhaust." When automobile enthusiasts first heard of this, they were probably assuming the race car was going to experience a lack of speed and throttle due to its electric engine. On the contrary, the Formula E race car can reach speeds up to 150 mph and has an impressive zero-to-60 time of 3 seconds. It has the capability to outperform the other race cars all without making noise. The only remaining issue is the life of the battery as it is only 25 minutes with of breathtaking speed. A truly awesome advance in racing technology as it pleases almost every audience.


  1. It is truly surprising how far electric cars have come. They are not only beneficial financially and environmentally, but also tackle the speed aspect many car buyers seek. However, a definite downfall of the Formula E is its short battery life, which engineers can hopefully improve. Nareg's insertion of the witty quote was a compelling way to start the entry. Terrific topic and keep up the work!

  2. How exciting it is to hear that these electric cars are finding their place not only on the roads, but on the race tracks as well! It is important for these cars to make their way into peoples' hearts, so that its pro-environmental battery engine can be put to use in the green cause. As Annie stated, Nareg's introduction to his blog makes one realize the CES's purpose of gathering all great minds to make greatness happen. Thanks Nareg for the intriguing topic on how technology and entertainment joined forces. Excellent work!

  3. Many people overlook electric cars, and do not consider them on par with cars based around gasoline. This is not only beneficial for the environment, but is also beneficial to humans in general, due to us having cleaner. Electrical cars have come a long way, and hopefully will not be judged because of the Prius.

  4. The true meaning of the creation of electric cars was to save gasoline, usually averaging quite low top speeds because of the fact that it is created to conserve. To me this new formula E electric car comes to both as a surprise and excitement knowing how much teenagers love sports cars, possibly buying a car like the one presented in the future.

  5. This new idea is very surprising considering the fact that racing is all about speed and who has the bigger and badder engine. Those formula 1 cars use a plentiful amount of gas. Now that they have created a race car that runs on an electric engine it will slowly change the whole racing world. This car conserves a great amount of gasoline and does its part in not polluting the air. It is very interesting how an electric engine can create that much power to push a car to upwards of 150mph.
