Sunday, November 17, 2013

Wind gusts reported at Russian plane crash site; all 50 onboard die

by Sergei L. Loiko

An average morning for the Russian civilians headed on their relatively short journey from the extravagant and beautiful capital city of Moscow to Kazan, a city of lesser fame and importance. Stepping on to the empowering Boeing 747, all 50 passengers - comprised of 44 passengers and 6 crew members - never could have expected it be the last people knew of them. What seemed to be a calm, normal morning in Russia turned out to be a day of mourning. Wind gusts were reported, but the pilot was certain the flight would not have been affected by those winds. As they were beginning to land the plane instantaneously split in half and burst into flames - a true recipe for disaster. Among the innocent civilians on board, there were a handful of prominent figures that passed away also: Irek  Minnikhanov, the son of the Russia's president of the Tatarstan republic, amongst other men of importance. Some reports claim the wind gusts were strong and sudden during the landing, and others say the winds were so strong the pilot attempted to land two or three times before the disaster occurred. Others suggested there might have a trouble with the technical aspect on board, but there was a reassurance of the safety and tip-top quality of the Boeing 747. From all the evidence gathered, there has been a decision that there is truly not enough evidence and further investigations are scheduled. Whatever it may be, the lives of the victims will forever be mourned and their presence in the lives of their loved ones will forever be felt.

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