Sunday, October 27, 2013


What is education? Education is the distinct knowledge that completes a man. If one wants to be a doctor, one does not just rush to the nearest hospital and beg to execute the next procedure. One would receive the proper education to fulfill the gaps in their knowledge in the given field. Aside from the proper knowledge in the field, one must have real-life experiences to complete their learnings. School systems are too heavily dependent on students' results on standardized tests. Testing, I agree, is a valid way of determining a student's understanding of a topic; but as the great intellectual Albert Einstein once quoted, “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” This quote proves that if a monkey, a fish, an elephant, and a tiger  were in the same classroom, and the teacher tested them on their ability to climb a tree; the monkey would prevail, the tiger would be mediocre, and the elephant and fish would fail. But if the fish were tested on its ability to swim, the tiger on its ability to hunt, and the elephant on its ability to control and empower, the test results would make more sense. The schooling system needs to include vast opportunities of classes and/or testing systems which directly correlate to the real-life experiences. I will never need to know how many children Thomas Jefferson had or what a eukaryotic cell is unless I choose those paths as my majors; but I sure as hell need to know how to pay taxes, how to handle money when presented to me, and how to buy a house. The school system refers to education as knowledge based on textbooks, graded based on how well students could memorize boring facts. 

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